Tuesday, April 22

Pepperidge Farm Hits Jackpot

I had time to waste and decided to walk the aisles of Target very slowly, methodically, and contemplatively. I found this and almost shrieked in delight. It's like Pepperidge Farm sprinkled their Goldfish crackers with heaven! Whoever came up with this gets an A+.

Unfortunately, I don't know what they taste like cuz I'm trying to make my fine for no reason trainer pleased. So no vanilla cupcake flavored Goldfish crackers today..

Sad face.

My John Hancock

NowI went to get copies of my resume prior to going to a networking event and wasn't all that interested in signing my legit signature on the little pad thing after swiping my card. Normally there is no proof of my John Hancock--ever--but apparently on the day I cared the least, I get proof. 

Now I'm embarrassed.

Sunday, April 13

Kale chips on my lap

Sometimes you have to just put the entire cookie sheet of kale chips on your lap and watch Netflix.

Basically, you cut kale into relatively medium sized pieces, clean them, and pour olive oil on them, squish them around in the sink, and sprinkle salt on them. 300 degrees for 30 minutes. 


Friday, April 11

Makeshift Bubble Wand Meets Comm Class

One of my class teaching activities when lecturing on persuasion is for my kids to use two random items I bring from my house and create an infomercial using Monroe's Motivated Sequence. If you don't know what that is, google it.

This semester, my kids in groups of 4 had a Mason Jar ring that you use to close the jar and the blending thingy from my Kitchen Aid mixer. They had to figure out a pretend use for both of the items to be used together. 

One of my kiddos decided to make a bubble wand (mind you, I teach college kids) and disappeared from my class and returned several minutes later. He had a large Starbucks cup, filled it up with water and soap from the men's bathroom, uses the ring from the Mason Jar to blow bubbles. 
I thought it was absolutely adorable and hilarious all at the same time and it reminded me of the reasons why I teach. Watching kids-slash-young-adults "get it" 
and have a fun time learning. 

Makes me smile :)

Diets...YouTube...Disgruntled Meanderer

I'm a disgruntled vegetarian and this spoke to my life in so many ways! It's a bit vulgar, but it's SO true and I need to hug this man since he understands the struggle.

Sunday, April 6

Bruins and Affirmative Action (YouTube)

"We're not asking for a handout, we're asking for a level playing field.
Those with less opportunity are fighting for their position trying to find their place
But those with privilege are hitting triples when they were already born on third base."

This is precisely how I feel about affirmative action. Precisely.


Saturday, April 5


Let's watch Idris do regular things. In this 
clip, he does the following:

--eat breakfast
--put on a shirt
--wash his face 
--pat a dog's head
--take a shirt off a hanger

How does all this with enough sex appeal to make me swoon is beyond me.  But man!  He does my Heart much good!

Tuesday, April 1

Diss Draft Sent!

So my first full draft is done. I told my chair it would be done by the end of March, but it's April 1-2..I'm done at 1230am after another 9-hour writing day. I wish now I would have journaled how many hours each day I wrote and what I got accomplished. That would have been nice. 

Too bad. Too late.

My eyes are about to bleed and I almost had a meltdown when I was 20 pages out from finishing my last round of edits. I'm praying to my Savior Jesus Christ that the feedback will be simple stuff and this last stage will be smooth sailing. 

I don't want to gloat, but the bottom of my screen DOES say 140 pages and 39,051 words.

I'm quite pleased and tickled chocolate :)