Sunday, August 22

Argentina 6: Not Quite the Sunshine I Packed For...

I fond this on my Mac. It's a bit late, but I decided to post it anyway...

We are now heading south to just above the most southern province of Argentina called Patagonia—if that makes any sense. Patagonia is land of blowing blizzards and cold, cold, cold right now because the seasons are opposite south of the equator. When it’s summer in the States, it’s winter here.

I got out of the van yesterday and almost froze my tuckus (butt)!! They said that it would get a bit nippy during our orientation, but I thought nippy would be 65-70 since it still is “summer.” But no. It was 53-55 degrees and the wind gave me goose bumps. I donated/lost my warm mini-jacket so I’m down to one nice jacket.

THEN, I opened up my suitcase last night as I was getting ready for bed and I just stared longingly at my recently purchased and really cute swimsuit and favorite pair of shorts. Guess I won’t be wearing those while here. I did buy some alpaca sweaters in the mountains a few days ago, but my intent on buying them was to be cute back in the States in September—more of an attempt at being in the cool group of Western culture. So when people say—“Oh! I like your sweater! Did you find it at the mall?” Then I will answer with as little smuglessness as possible, “No. I bought it in the Andes Mountains.” But now, I’m thinking that I will need to wear my sweaters out of necessity—because it’s actually cold. Oh the perks of studying abroad.